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5 Steps To Becoming A Transformational Leader

A transformational leader is one who employs a unique approach and inspires a whole organization, society, and or a country to success in uncertain and turbulent times. An example of a transformational leader is Mahatma Gandhi.

When Gandhi said that he would employ nonviolence against the British rule and gain freedom for India, no one in their right mind believe this could be possible. But eventually that’s what happened. Gandhi employed a unique approach of nonviolence which nobody could even think can be used as a weapon against the mighty British Empire. And during the most uncertain and turbulent times in the history of India he not only had to convince skeptical nation but also inspire and lead them to freedom. Not only that he inspired many leaders in different countries.

There has been no time like now, with the pandemic, the economy, the job situation, the closing of businesses, and the uncertainty, when we need more transformational leaders. How can one become a transformational leader? Following are the 5 steps:

Step 1: Vision

Martin Luther King Jr’s I have a dream speech comes to mind when we think about a Transformational leader’s vision. The vision was clear, articulated well and it inspired the whole nation. A vision should be about others and not about you. You need a clear mind to define a vision. Humans as they grow up tend to develop likes and dislikes, filters, and prejudices along with their egos and it becomes extremely difficult to not let your personal proclivities have an effect on your leadership capabilities. The best way to achieve a clear mind is through self-realization. 

Step 2: Ultimate Freedom

Freedom from attachments, freedom from prejudices and biases, and freedom from your personal problems are needed for a transformational leader to be effective. in other words, a transformational leader needs freedom from himself or herself i.e., freedom from who they think they are and what the world is. This kind of ultimate freedom can only be achieved through self-realization.

Step 3: Take Right Action

A transformational leader must make the right decisions and take the right actions at appropriate times. This means they should be resolute and unwavering. 

Step 4: Lead & Inspire 

The most important job of a transformational leader is to lead and inspire people to achieve the common vision. To do this a leader needs to have a high degree of mental clarity, no self-doubt, and no limiting beliefs. 

Step 5: Self Realization

Self-realization is a process to find out who you really are, not who you thin you are. You can go from stress, anxiety, fear, limiting beliefs, overwhelmed, insecurity, pessimism, grief, failure, hatred, heartache, rejection, depression, disappointment, despair, discouraged, humiliation, low self-esteem, victim, shame, unworthiness, jealousy, frustration, judgment, self-pity, anger, revenge, doubt, impatience, worry, negative talk, blame, sorrow, irritation, bitterness, helplessness, dread, guilt, and apathy, to love, empathy, forgiveness, empowerment, generous, powerful, magnanimous, joy, patience, confidence, security, happiness, peace, acceptance, belief, positive, integrity, compassion, radiance, abundance, service, knowledge, freedom, trust, humility, enthusiasm, gratitude, cheerful, productive, courage, serene, calm, and optimism, Effortlessly and in no time. So a a self-realized person is the most ideal for transformational leader.

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