Unwinding Anxiety is a book by Judson Brewer and in it he shows us the steps to How To Break The Cycles of Worry and Fear To Heal Our Mind. This cycle of worry and anxiety is called an anxiety loop. He introduces practicing Anxiety Sobriety like the alcohol sobriety but instead of thinking about longer term he wants people to think in the moment. One process that he introduced to tackle this problem is called RAIN system. First, you recognize the difficult feelings that are arising. Next, you consciously accept them, and allow them to be there. Then you investigate the sensations in your body, and the emotions bubbling up. And lastly, you note what’s going on, and simply observe yourself in the process. RAIN uses your curiosity superpower to help your brain transition out of its anxious, panicky state. He also emphasizes the part that deep breathing plays in reducing the symptoms and the importance of being in the moment.
It is a good read and certainly the solutions discussed in this book help alleviate the symptoms of Anxiety and Worry. But it does not provide a solution for eliminating the problem.